Thursday, November 25, 2010

XFX Radeon HD 5970 2GB Black Edition

AMD may have somewhat failed to impress the crowds with their latest offering the Radeon 6870 but they still occupy the first place in the charts with their Radeon 5970 graphics card. The NVIDIA counter offering, the GeForce GTX480 is not actually that far behind but without doubt the 5970 is a better solution for people who don’t really care about cuda and PhysX. Today we bring you the review of what is perhaps the most powerful 2GB variant of the Radeon 5970 in the market today, the XFX Radeon 5970 Black Edition. Now XFX, ASUS and Sapphire also have 4GB variants of the Radeon 5970 which are actually even faster than the one we have here with us today but we could not secure one in time.
XFX dares to go where the competition would like to, but can’t. That’s because, at XFX, we don’t just create great digital video components—we build all-out, mind-blowing, performance-crushing, competition-obliterating video cards and motherboards. And, not only are they amazing, you don’t have to live on dry noodles and peanut butter to afford them. XFX is a division of PINE Technology Holdings Limited, a leading manufacturer and marketer of innovative solutions for the worldwide gaming technologies market. Founded in 1989, PINE designs, develops, manufactures and distributes high-performance video graphics technology and computer peripherals. The company’s dedicated research and development team are continually pushing the limits to meet the demands of the ever-growing and performance-driven community. Headquartered in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Hong Kong SAR), PINE has more than 1,000 employees worldwide with 16 offices around the globe. PINE also maintains four state-of-the-art research and development facilities in the Asia Pacific region and two factories in Mainland China.

Some of you may wonder as to why we decided on reviewing the Radeon 5970 now since the Radeon 6870 just got released and the Radeon 6970/6990 models are right around the corner. Well the answer is quite easy actually, we decided on doing this review because the Radeon 6870 did not meet our expectations, nothing more, and nothing less. Sure both the Radeon 6970 and the Radeon 6990 will probably rock the boat since they are ment to replace the Radeon 5870 and the Radeon 5970 but until those units arrive the Radeon 5970 is simply the best there is. Of course the war wages on and so NVIDIA with their latest GTX580 still have the fastest single GPU card and so we can only wonder as to what the red camp has to counteroffer in that segment of the market. The GTX580 is also on par with the 5970 but that’s another story for another day.


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